
Title : Common Yellow Book and Single Audit Deficiencies

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

This course will review focus areas for peer review of Single Audits and Yellow Book engagements. We discuss the requirements for major program determination, testing compliance, testing internal controls over compliance, sampling, and reporting for Single Audits. We also address Yellow Book CPE and independence requirements. In addition to providing an overview of the common deficiencies and key trends identified by the AICPA, this course will also provide best practices for how entities can properly perform procedures in these areas. 

Field(s) of Study: Auditing Governmental

NASBA Approved

Intermediate Level

4.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • "Recognize CPE requirements for Yellow Book engagements 
    • Perform a major program determination compliant with the Uniform Guidance 
    • Properly identify internal controls over compliance 
    • Identify compliance requirements in the Uniform Guidance 
    • Recognize the control risk and internal controls over compliance 
    • Identify the reporting requirements for Single Audits 
    • Properly perform sampling under the Uniform Guidance 
    • Recognize common audit deficiencies 
    • Recognize the independence requirements for Yellow Book




    Prior experience with GAGAS and Uniform Guidance 

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Title : What's Going on at the FASB (2024)

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

The course will start with the Accounting Standard Updates effective in 2024 for public entities, private entities, and nonprofits. We will also review year 2 implications of the leases standard including modification accounting. We will then switch our attention to the items coming down the pike, including a look at the projects identified by the FASB's Invitation to Comment: Agenda Consultation.

Field(s) of Study: Accounting

NASBA Approved

Update Level

4.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Identify the impact of ASUs that are effective in 2024 on financial reporting
    • Describe the impact of the lease modification on financial reporting
    • Identify FASB ASUs that will be effective after 2024




    Prior experience with GAAP

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Title : Deep Dive into Common Auditing Deficiencies

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

This course will review common deficiencies identified by the AICPA and state boards of accountancy. It features discussion on a variety of topics, including analytical procedures, sampling, group audits and risk assessment. We will review the areas of concern and how you can overcome them by employing best practices.

Field(s) of Study: Auditing

Intermediate Level

4.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Describe common audit deficiencies
    • Identify proper methods of performing risk assessment and analytical procedures
    • Recall best practices for audit sampling
    • Recognize changes to auditing standards for group audits and risk assessment




    Prior experience with GAAS

    Advanced Preparation


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Title : What's Going on at the GASB (2024)

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

The GASB has been working on some big projects lately. We kick off this course with a look at the GASB standards that are effective this year including GASB 100, Accounting Changes and Error Corrections and GASB 101, Compensated Absences. We will then switch gears to the GASB standards coming down the pike, including the major projects of the GASB. 

Field(s) of Study: Accounting Governmental

NASBA Approved

Update Level

4.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Recall the impact of GASB 100 and 101 on financial reporting for governments
    • Recall the impact of standards effective in 2024
    • Recall major projects the GASB is working on Identify GASB standards effective after 2024




    Prior experience with governmental financial reporting

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Title : Independence for Auditors - AICPA, PCAOB, GAO, and DOL

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

This course will look at the various rules related to Independence and compare and contrast the requirements. This overview course will help auditors understand the nuances of independence and insure they meet the requirements to perform attest services for their clients. We will review the requirements for the AICPA, GAO, DOL and PCAOB.

Field(s) of Study: Auditing

NASBA Approved

Update Level

4.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    Recognize the requirements for independence under AICPA, GAO, DOL and PCAOB




    Prior experience with independence rules
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Title : Topic 842 - Implementing Leases Workshop

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

This updated course offers an in-depth look at the FASB leases standard (ASC 842), which requires organizations to recognize lease assets and liabilities on the balance sheet. This comprehensive course will cover recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure requirements, while also focusing on a key area of change which is proper identification of a lease using a principles-based approach. We will discuss implementation requirements from both the lessee and lessor accounting models. In addition, we explore a variety of scenarios including short-term leases, purchase options, variable lease payments, and remeasurement. This course offers practical journal entry examples, lessons learned from implementation, and explores recently issued amendments to the lease accounting guidance.

Key Topics


Topic 842

Field(s) of Study: Accounting

NASBA Approved

Intermediate Level

4.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Define a lease under the new leases standard
    • Apply recognition and measurement requirements of the new leases standard
    • Describe the presentation and disclosure requirements of the new leases standard
    • Prepare journal entries necessary to account for leases as both a lessee and lessor




    Prior experience with accounting for leases

    Advanced Preparation


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Title : Deep Dive into Quality Management

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

Quality management will have a big impact on CPA firms. This course will cover both SQMS 1 and 2 as well as the related engagement level standards (SAS 146 and SSARS 26). The new standards will require a risk-based approach to quality management as well as the documentation of an information & communication process. SQMS 1 is required to be implemented at all accounting firms by December 15, 2025 but due to the size of the effort, firms should start their implementation process ASAP. SQMS 2 covers the appointment and eligibility of the engagement quality reviewer and the performance of the reviews. SAS 146 addresses the specific responsibilities of the auditor regarding quality management at the engagement level for an audit of financial statements and the related responsibilities of the engagement partner. SSARS 26 amends AR-C Sections to be consistent with these new standards. This two hour class will provide a deep dive into what you need to know to start your implementation process!
Field(s) of Study: Auditing

NASBA Approved

Intermediate Level

2.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Recall the components of quality management under SQMS 1
    • Describe the objective of an engagement quality review under SQMS 2
    • Identify the specific responsibilities of the auditor regarding quality management under SAS 146
    • Recall the responsibilities of the engagement partner in SSARS engagements




    Experience with and knowledge of SQM Standards, SAS 146 and SSARS 26

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Title : 2024 Single Audit Update

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

This course will start with a review of the impact of the 2024 Compliance Supplement on Single Audits as well as the changes to the Uniform Guidance. We will also review common audit deficiencies found in Single Audits.

Field(s) of Study: Auditing Governmental

NASBA Approved

Update Level

2.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Identify changes to single audits as a result of the 2024 Compliance Supplement
    • Recognize changes to the Uniform Guidance
    • Identify the proper method of identifying and testing internal controls over compliance
    • Recall common deficiencies found related to Single Audits




    Prior experience with the Uniform Guidance

    Advanced Preparation


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Title : Accounting and Auditing for Cryptocurrency

Presented By : Jaclyn Veno

AU-C Section 315 requires the auditor to gain an understanding of the entity and its environment and the entity's internal controls in order to design appropriate audit procedures. This course will review the key requirements of COSO which is one of the most widely used internal control frameworks. We'll also review the limitations of internal controls. Additionally, this course will introduce the risk assessment process and the various audit procedures to evaluate controls and to determine whether to test the operating effectiveness of controls.

Field(s) of Study: Auditing

NASBA Approved

Basic Level

1.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Describe the five components of COSO
    • Recall the limitations of internal controls





    Advanced Preparation


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Title : Accounting and Attestation for ESG

Presented By : Melisa Galasso

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) has become a hot topic among standard setters. This session will look at the work of the FASB, GASB, and AICPA in the areas of ESG. We’ll also look at the types of engagements CPAs can provide to entities who want assurance around their ESG reporting.

Field(s) of Study: Auditing, Accounting

NASBA Approved

Basic Level

2.0 Hrs

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    Learning Objectives

    • Identify types of engagements CPAs can perform on ESG related items
    • Describe current projects of accounting standard setters





    Advanced Preparation


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